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2024-06-24 Update

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Hey everyone! Hope you’re doing well.

It’s been a little over a month since our last update so thought I’d share some news and a bit of administrivia.

As of today morning we have:

Date Users Posts Servers MAU
24/6/2024 668
18/5/2024 576 32423 9029 103

We are now ranked № 6th overall for all Firefish servers. 😉 Thank you for your continued support!

User Reports

In the last month or so we’ve received a couple of user reports. There are two types of user reports. First, there’s the user reports that our users’ make. Those aren’t anonymous, and admins and moderators can see the details of those reports. The second is an anonymous user report that any user on any other instance can make about any user for any reason.

These are the various reports we’ve received over the past month:

Report 1 – – No C/W’s for NSFW content.

Verdict: No Action Taken

Why? does not require C/Ws (Content Warnings) so long as the media our users post are flagged as NSFW (which is by default). Media that is flagged as NSFW is automatically blurred and hidden by default negating the need for a CW.

Report 2 –

Verdict: No Action Taken

Why? Blank reports are not helpful. We are not mind readers. Without knowing the context or reason behind why someone is reporting content odds are there’s nothing we can do and no action we can take unless the posts blatantly violate our own rules.

Report 3 – – “First word in this post is a slur”

Verdict: No Action Taken

Why? Users’ post refers to a porn star whose first name is “Kike”. A proper noun can not be a slur.


Here’s the excerpt from the users’ post in question:

“Kike Fucks Transman Marcuss”

Upon further investigation we discovered that the user is referring to the porn star known as Kike Parraz. Kike is also a well-known nickname/ shortname for the latino name Enrique.

Since there was no intent to slur a person or culture, there was no need for us to take any action.

Report 4 –

Verdict: No Action Taken

Why? Blank reports are not helpful. We are not mind readers. Without knowing the context or reason behind why someone is reporting content odds are there’s nothing we can do and no action we can take unless the posts blatantly violate our own rules.

Report 5 – – This entire account is dedicated to reposting adult content without the permission of the people who appear in it.

Verdict: No Action Taken

Why? Section 5 of our Terms of Service specifically outlines that users’ must have the rights to post and upload content. That being said, Section 7 of our Terms of Service outlines the specific process for the identification of content that violates someone’s Copyright and user reports are not it. We even have a specific help page dedicated to the DMCA.

Report 6 –

Verdict: No Action Taken

Why? Blank reports are not helpful. We are not mind readers. Without knowing the context or reason behind why someone is reporting content odds are there’s nothing we can do and no action we can take unless the posts blatantly violate our own rules.

Report 7 – – The reported posts could or may show underage material

Verdict: No Action Taken

Why? We have examined the users’ posts and have determined that the subjects in the images posts do not appear to be underage.

Details: has a strict no-tolerance for CSAM/ CSEM, and it doesn’t matter whether the images are of real subjects, 2D, 3D generated, or AI generated. This is specified not only in our Terms of Service, and also our Content Policy. We will not hesitate to report any user violating this to the appropriate authorities and immediately remove the account.

That being said, we did examine the posts that were reported and do not find them to contain CSAM or CSEM. Therefore, no action was needed (or taken).

This is not to discourage anyone from submitting these types of reports in the future. We welcome (and in fact rely on) these types of reports. Therefore, if you suspect someone has posted CSAM or CSEM either on or any other instance then please report them.


If you need help while using the software, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us and open a ticket on the Support Portal. (Select Fedi Support Request in the Help Topic dropdown.) Or you can send an Email to [email protected]. Please include your username and instance name when emailing.

Well that’s it for this update. I hope you’ve found this information helpful. Please feel free to comment or reply with your feedback and suggestions. Especially if there’s something you’d like to see me go over for next week’s edition.

Stay horny!

Michael Collins is the admin for [], a Firefish instance that is 100% dedicated for adults to share legal NSFW content. When Michael isn't admining the site, or posting his own content, he enjoys running, hiking, and cooking. Michael lives in the Oakhurst neighborhood of Decatur, Georgia with his husband of 20 years, and their two dogs. He can be reached on the fediverse at @[email protected] or via Email at [email protected].

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