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2024-05-18 Weekly Update

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Good morning! (At least for me. 😊) It’s Saturday, May 18, 2024, and I thought I’d post my first weekly update about everything going on at [].

As of this morning we have:

Date Users Posts Servers MAU
18/5/2024 576 32423 9029 103

For those who may not know, [] started the end of July, 2023.

Server Issues

Some of you may be aware that we’ve been having some server issues for most of the month of May (though they started in April). I’m happy to report that most of the issues appear to have been resolved, but I am seeing every once in a while a situation arise when the application server for [] basically goes into a positive feedback loop consuming more and more system resources until everything just stops working.

It’s definitely something happening with the Firefish software. When it happens the main Firefish server spawns several dozen related Firefish processes and they’re all consuming more CPU resources, and more memory, as they go along.

It seems to happen about once every 20 days or so. So, to try to avoid this I’ve initiated a server reboot at 0300 UTC every day.

I know it’s a crude fix, but you’d be surprised at how many Enterprise systems you interact with from other companies do something similar.

It’s crazy, but it works!

But if you notice that the site is unresponsive for a moment around 0300 UTC that’s the reason.

Server Updates (Patching/ Upgrading)

A new Firefish version was rolled out this week. Actually, two since the last upgrade we did on 30/4/2024.

The first new version came out on 4/5/2024 which just squashed some bugs that were pretty low priority, and since I had just got done upgrading 4 days prior it was too soon to take the system down again.

The next new version came out on 16/5/2024. It includes some minor improvements to the timeline as well as some additional bug fixes. I look to be planning to upgrade to this version here within the next couple of days.

If you want to learn what’s new in the new releases, please read the project’s ChangeLog.


If you need help while using the software, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us and open a ticket on the Support Portal. (Select Fedi Support Request in the Help Topic dropdown.) Or you can send an Email to [email protected]. Please include your username and instance name when emailing.

Donations/ Support

Several of you have asked about whether you can help support the ongoing costs for operating [].

I’m happy to report that we’ve been accepted by SubscribeStar and will be setting this up over the next week. SubscribeStar is very similar to Patreon, but they explicitly allow legal NSFW content. Some of the largest adult content creators also use SubscribeStar. We will not be opening up an Only Fans. 😊

Well that’s it for this week. I hope you’ve found this information helpful. Please feel free to comment or reply with your feedback and suggestions. Especially if there’s something you’d like to see me go over for next week’s edition.

Stay horny!

Michael Collins is the admin for [], a Firefish instance that is 100% dedicated for adults to share legal NSFW content. When Michael isn't admining the site, or posting his own content, he enjoys running, hiking, and cooking. Michael lives in the Oakhurst neighborhood of Decatur, Georgia with his husband of 20 years, and their two dogs. He can be reached on the fediverse at @[email protected] or via Email at [email protected].

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