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Category: Update


2024-06-24 Update

2024-06-24 Update
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Hey everyone! Hope you’re doing well. It’s been a little over a month since our last update so thought I’d share some news and a bit of administrivia. As of today morning we have: Date Users Posts Servers MAU 24/6/2024 668 38865 9332 139 18/5/2024 576 32423 9029 103 We are now ranked β„– 6th […]


2024-05-18 Weekly Update

2024-05-18 Weekly Update
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Good morning! (At least for me. 😊) It’s Saturday, May 18, 2024, and I thought I’d post my first weekly update about everything going on at []. As of this morning we have: Date Users Posts Servers MAU 18/5/2024 576 32423 9029 103 For those who may not know, [] started the end of July, […]


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Number of comments: 1 comment

Hi! I’m Mike β€” @[email protected] β€” and for those that don’t know me, I’m the admin for I’ve created this blog to provide a central area to give you news, updates, and information about things going on with I’m also going to be posting a weekly update to keep you informed. So, I […]